Kidney Infarct
Myocardial Infarction
The slide shows the pink areas which are normal heart muscles.
The faint pinkish brownish areas are the infarcted areas.
There is a zone vital reaction between the normal and the infarcted areas.
The vital reaction means the inflammatory infiltrate.
Rheumatic Heart Disease(Rheumatic Nodules)
The Aschoff's giant cells are seen.
The Anitschkow cells are present.
There are lymphocytes as well as macrophages present.
The Rheumatic nodule is formed from the Aschoff's nodules,anitschkow cells,fibrinoid necrosis and lymphocytes.
Miliary Tuberculosis of Lung
The Langhan's giant cells are present.
The characteristic Caseation necrosis is present.
Fibroblast are seen.Epitheloid cells are also seen.
All these make up the satellite tubercles.
Normal alveoli are seen.
The slide shows the affected bronchiole filled with exudate containing polymorphs and the flaccid stroma.
The peribronchiolar tissue i.e. alveoli are filled with exudate.
Congested blood vessels are present.
There are normal alveoli seen.
Lobar Pneumonia-Lung
The alveolar lumen is filled with exudate.
The blood vessels are congested.
There is a clear space between the exudate and the alveolar wall indicating that the stage is of gray hepatisation.
Cirrhosis of Liver
There are present the pseudolobules with central vein seen in some of them.
The fibrous septa contains lymphocytic infiltration.
Affected portal triad is also seen.
The fibrous septa divides the tissue into pseudolobules .
Viral hepatitis
Periportal injury is seen.
Confluent necrosis,parenchymal injury,portal inflammation seen.
Cavernous Hemangioma (Liver)
There are large spaces filled with blood.
The lining of the spaces is of flat endothelial cells.
Connective tissues are present in between the blood filled spaces.
Capillary Hemangioma
They are lined by the endothelial cells.
Connective tissues are seen as in the above case.
Lymph Nodal Metastasis
The peripheral part contains the lymphocytes in large number.
But the affected part near to the centre contains very less of the lymphocytes and clear space is seen.
The upper part of the slide shows the normal mucosa.
Below that are the tumour cells arranged in the glandular pattern.
The tumour cells also invade the muscle coat.
Bronchogenic Carcinoma (Squamous Cell Carcinoma)
There are keratin pearls.
Malignant squamous cells are present.
The distinct whorls are seen.
The slide shows the tunica media and inside is the thrombus mass seen.
No recanalisation present.
CVC Liver
The central vein is prominent in the middle.
The fatty change is present but not prominent.
Necrosis is clearly visible.
CVC liver is the chronic venous congestion which may be due to right heart failure,obstructions etc.
It is also called Nutmeg-Liver as on gross it shows the nutmeg appearance.
CVC Lung-Haemociderin Pigment
The alveolar septa are thickened due to oedema and fibrosis.
The blood vessels are congested.
The Heart failure cells clearly seen.
The alveolar space is also filled with exudate.
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