Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Basal Cell Carcinoma

Club shaped masses of Tumuor cells.
Peripheral nuclear pallisading.
Compactly arranged central epithelial cells re present.
Tuberculous Ulcer-Small Intestine

The mucisa is intact.
The ulcer is seen deep penetrieting.
Langhan's giant cells, epitheloid cels, lymphocytes are present.
Caseation necrosos is present.

Osteoclastoma-Giant Cell Tumour

The characteristic osteoclastic giant cells are present.
Spindle cells are also present.
Few mononuclear cells are also present.

Actinomycotic Granuloma (Ray Fungus)

Giant cells ae seen.
Neutrophils, macrophages, lymphocytes are seen.
The characteristic circular masses are present.

Granulation Tissue

Proliferating capillaries are present.
Fibroblasts are present.
Macropages, plasma cells, lymphocytes are present.
Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

The characteristic lymphoblast are seen.
Severaly hypochromic RBC's are present.
Platelets are isolated and reduced.
The large and small lymphocytes are seen.
Megaloblastic Anaemia

The megalocytes are seen.
Few megaloblast are present.
As compaired to the small lymphocytes, the RBCs are large.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Tuberculous Lymphangitis

Part of the lymphoid follicle is seen.

The granuloma is present which contains epitheloid cells,giant cells,connective tissue,lymphocytes and the fibroblast.

Cloudy Degeneration of Kidney


Fatty Change in Liver

The hepatocytes are vacuolated.

The fatty change is clearly visible.

The nuclei are dispalced to the periphery in the hepatocytes.

Amyloidosis of Kidney

There are amyloid deposites around the glomerular capillaries.

The amyloid deposites are also in the basement membrane of the tubules.

Thickened walls of the blood vessels are present.

Acute Pyogenic Meningitis

The subarachnoid space is filled with the exudate of acute


Saturday, January 24, 2009

Kidney Infarct

There is primary amyloidosis present around the glomeruli.
The abortive glomeruli are present.
The clear space is seen between the glomerular tuft and the glomerular wall.
The arterial walls are thickened.

Myocardial Infarction

The slide shows the pink areas which are normal heart muscles.
The faint pinkish brownish areas are the infarcted areas.
There is a zone vital reaction between the normal and the infarcted areas.
The vital reaction means the inflammatory infiltrate.

Rheumatic Heart Disease(Rheumatic Nodules)

The Aschoff's giant cells are seen.
The Anitschkow cells are present.
There are lymphocytes as well as macrophages present.
The Rheumatic nodule is formed from the Aschoff's nodules,anitschkow cells,fibrinoid necrosis and lymphocytes.

Miliary Tuberculosis of Lung

The Langhan's giant cells are present.

The characteristic Caseation necrosis is present.
Fibroblast are seen.Epitheloid cells are also seen.

All these make up the satellite tubercles.
Normal alveoli are seen.


The slide shows the affected bronchiole filled with exudate containing polymorphs and the flaccid stroma.
The peribronchiolar tissue i.e. alveoli are filled with exudate.
Congested blood vessels are present.
There are normal alveoli seen.

Lobar Pneumonia-Lung

The alveolar lumen is filled with exudate.
The blood vessels are congested.
There is a clear space between the exudate and the alveolar wall indicating that the stage is of gray hepatisation.

Cirrhosis of Liver

There are present the pseudolobules with central vein seen in some of them.
The fibrous septa contains lymphocytic infiltration.
Affected portal triad is also seen.
The fibrous septa divides the tissue into pseudolobules .

Viral hepatitis

Periportal injury is seen.
Confluent necrosis,parenchymal injury,portal inflammation seen.

Cavernous Hemangioma (Liver)

There are large spaces filled with blood.
The lining of the spaces is of flat endothelial cells.
Connective tissues are present in between the blood filled spaces.

Capillary Hemangioma

There are closely packed proliferating capillaries present whose lumen is filled with blood.
They are lined by the endothelial cells.
Connective tissues are seen as in the above case.

Lymph Nodal Metastasis

The peripheral part contains the lymphocytes in large number.
But the affected part near to the centre contains very less of the lymphocytes and clear space is seen.


The upper part of the slide shows the normal mucosa.

Below that are the tumour cells arranged in the glandular pattern.
The tumour cells also invade the muscle coat.

Bronchogenic Carcinoma (Squamous Cell Carcinoma)

There are keratin pearls.
Malignant squamous cells are present.
The distinct whorls are seen.

Organising Thrombus

The slide shows the tunica media and inside is the thrombus mass seen.
No recanalisation present.

CVC Liver

The central vein is prominent in the middle.

The fatty change is present but not prominent.

Necrosis is clearly visible.
CVC liver is the chronic venous congestion which may be due to right heart failure,obstructions etc.
It is also called Nutmeg-Liver as on gross it shows the nutmeg appearance.

CVC Lung-Haemociderin Pigment

The alveolar septa are thickened due to oedema and fibrosis.

The blood vessels are congested.

The Heart failure cells clearly seen.

The alveolar space is also filled with exudate.


The slide shows melanin pigmentation in the cytoplasm.

The cells are oval to spindal in appearance.

A few tumour cells in the mitosis are seen.

Chronic pyelonephritis

The slide shows periglomerular fibrosis.

Thyroidisation in the tubules is seen.

The atrophied glomeruli due to hyalinisation are seen.

There is inflammatory infiltrate containing plasma cells and lymphocytes.

The arterial wall is thickened.

Renal Cell Carcinoma

The RCC slide shows areas of haemorrhage and necrosis.

There are clear cells which are tumour cells with clear cytoplasm and hyperchromatic nuclei.

Thin fibrous septa are seen.

Congested blood vessels are seen.

Seminoma of Testis

Its a major germ cell tumer.

The slide shows clear cell cytoplasmic oval tumour cells.

They have prominent nucleoli in their nucleus.

Hodgkin's Lymphoma

(Lymphocyte depletion type)

The characteristic Reed-Sternberg cells are present in the cells.

The lymphocytes are seen depeted.

Atypical mononuclear cells are seen.

The capsule also contains infiltration.

Tuberculous Meningitis

The subarachnoid space is filled with exudate.

There are lymphocytes,histocytes and epithelial cell present.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Mixed Salivary Gland Tumer

The gland shows epithelial cells in group with mixoid stroma.
Normal salivary gland cells are also seen.
Pseudocartilage is present.
Myoepithelial cells are also seen.

Slide of Reticulin Stain


Bronchial Metaplasia(2 sides)

The slide shows a bronchiole.
The normaly present pseudocartilagenous columner epithelium is replaced by metaplastic columner epithelium.

Intradermal Naevus

On the lower side of the slide is epidermis.
Above that is seen the nest of neivus cells.
The naevus cells contain granular brown pigment.
Below the naevus cells, subcutaneous fat is seen.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Fibroadenoma of breast

The slide shows proliferated fibrous tissue and proliferated slite like comprased ducts.

Colloid goiter

Colloid is seen in the follicles which is abonrmally incresed.
Goitre in developing countries like india is mainly due to deficincy of Iodine in the diet which leads to enlargement of thyroid.

Acute Appendicitis

The mucosa is ulcerated.
There is hypertrophoid lymphoid follicles.
Acute inflammatory cells are seen.
Blood vessels are congested.
The matrix is hyaline cartilagenous.
The lacunae and cartiilage cells are seen.
Prussian Blue Reaction
It demonstrates ferric Iron or ferritin.
Its a histochemical staining.
The blue stains indicate that the given slide of liver has Iron content.
Osteogenic sarcoma
The distinct whorls of tumer cells are seen.
Its a malignant tumour arising from bone.
Common site are knee joint and upper end of humerus.
Common sites of metastasis are lung and liver.
Leiomyoma of Uterus
leiomyoma is a benign tumour of smooth muscle cells.
It shows characteristic cris-cross pattern in the slide.
Also called as Fibroid.
Its malignant countepart is Leiomyosarcoma.
Typhoid ulcer of Intestine
There is ulcerated mucosa.
The RBC is being engulfed by the macrophage.
There is increased number of macrophages seen.
The blood vessels are congested.
Benign Hypertrophy of Prostate
It occurs due to the obstruction to the neck of bladder,impaired urination.
The alfa-blockes are the tretement of choice for them.
Squamous papilloma
The 1st slide shows the squamous epithelium with papillory projections.
The 2nd slide shows fibrovascular core below the papillory projections.
The onine skin pattern is seen.
The polygonal to oval cells with central,large nucleus.
The centre is pink hyalinised.
The supporting fibrocollagenus storms are seen.
Carcinoma Breast
There are malignant tumour cells with glandular pattern seen.
Also normal tissue is seen.
Compressed tumer cell with stroma is also seen.
Its commonest form of cancer in female.
Haemolytic anaemia
It results from increased destruction of the RBCs.
The increased destruction can be due to Malaria, some chemicals,autoimmunity,parasites,thalassaemea,sickle-cell anaemia,leukaemia,erytroblastosis foetalis,etc